Day One - Enjoy a Laugh

Today's prompt is to enjoy a child's giggle. If you're a mom, this will be a pretty easy prompt to complete, but even if you don't have kids you can keep your ears open for the sound of laughter coming from a little kid.

So why are we listening for a child's laughter today? Well, for two reasons. For one, there's nothing like a child's laugh to make you smile. When my daughter laughs, it's an all-out moment of glee for her and it's contagious. When we're working on growing our happiness quotient, it's always a good idea to get around those who are naturally joyful.

The second reason is for us to take note and learn from the kids around us. Sure, they don't have the level of stress we're facing, but they still have something to teach. Namely that they are almost always one step away from silliness and laughter. Ask yourself when was the last time you had a good belly laugh? How are you cultivating joy in your life? Are you able to see the silly and amusing things in your day or are you just trying to get through your list?

Pull out your journal to draw and write your thoughts . . . and see you in the next lesson!

Complete and Continue